
Jiu Jitsu girls rock!

More girls are joining the mats these days, getting involved with the Jiu Jitsu lifestyle! ❤️ Looking for a great way to stay in shape? A fun and social way to train? And at the same time learn some valuable self-defense skills? Drop by for a full free trial week at 10pBergen, we promise you won't be disappointed!! 🥷👇👊⛩️ #jiujitsugirlsrock @10pBergen #nogi #jiujitsu #bjj #subonly #submissionhunters #jiujitsulifestyle #jiujitsuculture #10P4L

Jiu Jitsu, at the core, is THE art of fighting with no rules.

But wait, I thought Jiu Jitsu was a sport? So it seems, and for sure, there's a huge sporting aspect to Jiu Jitsu.. In fact, the sport builds the warrior. Without the sporting aspect, Jiu Jitsu would suck as a fighting art. Any system that doesn't partake in sparring against fully resisting opponents on a regular basis, sucks for fighting. End of story! The sport and training methodology builds the real skill. It won't happen overnight, It’s a slow and steady process.

Don't buy into the “self-defense” weekend seminar crap.. unless you already know how to fight, this is just a waste of time! Start training on a regular basis, build your skills, slow and steady. Once the skills start to manifest, adding the dirty techniques is quite easy anyway. (If “they” have dirty.. and you have solid fighting skills + dirty...) There’s no system that will give you 100% safety! Real fighting, and especially self-defense (which is a legal term, by the way), is unpredictable to some degree. But regular training in Jiu Jitsu raises your procentages, giving you some solid and very practical real-world tools.

Luckily, training in Jiu Jitsu is maaad fun, and given time, it will elevate your life! You'd be surprised how addictive trying to murder your friends on a regular basis really is!

Frode Nilsen | 10th Planet Jiu Jitsu Blackbelt, founder of @10pBergen #nogi #jiujitsu #bjj #subonly #jiujitsulifestyle #10P4L